Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Carbs and Me - part 3

Then I discovered bagels. And muffins. And while I used to avoid breakfast because I just didn’t wake up hungry, now I woke up with a growling stomach that I silenced with toast or cereal or Montreal Bagels*. But not eggs and bacon, because I was starting to gain weight, and those things had fat.

*Soooo superior to all other bagels


  1. I think I see where this is going...

  2. Yes, I suspect there will be mention of the keto diet soon (and I know two people who have lost tons of weight on it).

  3. Montreal Bagels? I'm not familiar with them, but surely they can't be superior to New York bagels!

  4. PS: I just wrote a post triggered by one of Dona's, and then one triggered by Kim's eggs. Now I'm thinking I could write several about My Life in Carb Consumption. This has to stop! Or not.

  5. Okay, I like you! And yes - the carbs vs fat thing. Also, you've stolen my idea for a post (or three) later this month.

  6. I, having just eaten a bagel (though I did put a bunch of healthy stuff on top of it), am feeling simpatico with you again!


Catching up day 3

May 21, 2018 My grandparents were the first people I knew to own a microwave oven. Theirs was brown*, had a tiny wind...